6 Simple Solutions on Keeping Your Jewelry Tarnish-Free

6 Simple Solutions on Keeping Your Jewelry Tarnish-Free

If you own and wear jewelry frequently, you may have noticed some of your jewelry has lost its shine over time. When jewelry becomes exposed to moisture and air, this will lead to them becoming discolored and tarnished. In addition to cleaning your jewelry properly, it is also important to store them well to prevent them from tarnishing.

Here are six ways you can keep your precious pieces tarnish-free: -

Cleaning Before Storing

The first thing you should do before you put away your jewelry is to make sure it’s dry. If your jewelry is showing signs of tarnishing, you should clean and disinfect it thoroughly to remove any excess oils. Ensure that your jewelry pieces are completely dry before you store them.

For more jewelry cleaning tips, check out our guides here: -



Invest in Airtight Storages

You will need a place to store and organize your jewelry pieces, which is why you should invest in an airtight closed jewelry organizer that features many separate compartments. Choosing an airtight jewelry organizer will not only keep your accessories safe but also leave no room for outside air to get in and prevent tarnishing. Be sure to keep your jewelry boxes in a cool and dry environment too.

Avoid Adhesive Containers

Aside from wooden jewelry boxes, most jewelry storage containers are safe to use. However, it is important to remember anything that contains sulfur is bad for your jewelry pieces. Certain jewelry boxes, pouches, and even storage products come with adhesives that contain sulfur and moisture. Therefore when you are choosing an organizer for your jewelry, you should inspect and check for any adhesives before buying them.

Seal in Storage Bags

Plastic storage bags aren't just for storing your lunch and food fresh, you’d be amazed you can use them to store jewelry too! Tarnishing often occurs in jewelry when they're exposed to sulfur and moisture. Ziplock bags are airtight and will keep air from coming into contact with your jewelry pieces. When sealing your accessories in a storage bag, leave a small area of the sea and be sure to squeeze out any excess air from the bag.

Absorb Moisture with Chalk or Silica Gel Packets

While you can't prevent all types of moisture from tarnishing your jewelry, you can use something to absorb moisture when you store it. Moisture absorbents like chalk and silica gel packets are excellent for removing excess moisture in your jewelry box. While chalks can be brought in stores, you can find silica gel packets in many products you buy. Although you may need to change your chalk piece once a month to keep it fresh and working.

Don’t Mix Metals in Storage

Another golden rule for storing jewelry is to avoid storing them too close to one another, especially if they are made of different materials. Different metals have different reactions to environmental factors, for instance: fine silver is vulnerable and prone to tarnishing when you store it too close to other metals. Therefore, it is best to keep your jewelry pieces separate from one another to minimize any wear and tear.

It can be difficult to prevent your jewelry pieces from tarnishing, no matter how often you wear them and store them properly. Jewelry and accessories help to express your sense of style, which is why it is important to take good care of your precious pieces. By keeping these tips in mind, you will prevent your jewelry from tarnishing and keep it in pristine condition for many years to come.

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